Image Credit: UroMems
UroMems was founded in 2011 in Grenoble, France. They are developing the UroActive™ implantable device to treat Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI), or involuntary urinary leakage, which affects an estimated 40 million Americans and 90 million Europeans, and occurs when the pressure in the bladder exceeds that of the sphincter around the urethra.
The “MyoElectroMechanical System (MEMS)” is placed around the urethral duct and is designed to be automatically controlled based on the patient’s activity, without the need for manual adjustments.
According to UroMems, “The expected benefit of the UroActive™ device is twofold. First, the urethral pressure can be increased when the patient is engaged in a physically demanding activity, which is expected to improve continence during activity. Second, when the patient’s activities do not require increased pressure, the compression on the urethral tissue can be released, therefore potentially reducing erosion or other tissue damage.”
The first human implant of the device was performed in November of 2022, and a 6 male subject feasibility study reached its six-month endpoint last December. The Company announced today that its first female patient had reached the six-month endpoint.