Image Credit: Neuspera Medical
Neuspera is a startup company located in San Jose, CA. They are developing miniaturized neuromodulation implants that are externally powered from a wearable device.
According to Neuspera, their “Mid-Field Powering” technology uses evanescent and propagating electromagnetic waves to power implanted medical devices to beyond 10cm of depth. Their technology is claimed to use the body as a natural waveguide to focus power ensuring energy is delivered to where it is needed.
In December 2019, Neuspera announced that it had received FDA’s approval to implant their systems under IDE. Neuspera now announced that it had performed the first human implants as part of their SANS-UUI two-stage seamless pivotal clinical trial to support FDA approval for patients with Urinary Urgency Incontinence (UUI), a symptom of overactive bladder.
Neuspera’s website: http://neuspera.com

Image Credit: Neuspera Medical